Clust-ER Associations

The Clust-ERs of Emila-Romagna Region are 9 associations for research centres, companies and training institutions to come together and pool their ideas, skills and results using an open innovation approach to multiply their potential growth opportunities.
The High Technology Network

The Network currently totals 96 facilities, comprising 82 industrial research laboratories and 14 innovation centres.
Technopoles Network

Technopoles are a network of 10 infrastructures located in 20 locations throughout the Emilia-Romagna region, hosting and organizing activities and services for industrial research, experimental development and technology transfer.
Emilia-Romagna Start-up

EmiliaRomagnaStartUp is the main regional initiative for startups and future entrepreneurs. The community brings together innovative startups and business support organisations (public and private: Incubators, Innovation Centers and Chambers of Commerce); its services range from support on classical topics related to innovative entrepreneurship to specialised consulting, business development, internationalisation and support for fundraising.